
A message from Zed

a note from ZedI got my first note from Zed the other day. He's one of my little boys and is four years old. You can click on the note to see what it said.
I'm sure that I could spend many an hour psychoanalyzing it. For instance, why is it inside a cartouche? I presume it is our family, so who is the extra person? Rowan must be the spider-like person with the long hair, does that make me the one at the bottom with a Ming the Merciless moustache? Is zed the smiling one at the top, the one with no nose or the one that looks like a halloween pumpkin?
Way too much there to think about. Thanks Zed...

30-May-2006 Permanent Link


It's all about me...

I'm a 55 year old married father who works with websites for a living. Doing that for work means I dont often update this site, unless I can think of something useful to say. I mostly like taking photos - and most of my internet presence now will be related to that.

Something else?

Dont you find it ironic that people invest so much in bringing you to a website only to give you a list of links to take you elsewhere? So I'm not going to give you a list of my favourite haunts to send you away from this site.

(c) somewhere in space and time: M.Norman