
The New Site

This page used to redirect to my homepage at De Montfort University in Milton Keynes, but as the server, and the University are now gone, I need to get my pages up to date again. So here is my new design. The rest of the site is on my laptop waiting for finishing touches and uploading. Should be here by the end of the year. Watch this space for imminent new stuff. I'm working on an SMS based guestbook, which should be a laugh - sms me a message and it will appear on the site a few seconds later. Just waiting for some technology to come online and I'll release it. Anyway, dont be an anthropomorphic superhelix - and come back soon. Today I celebrate the fact that as well as a googlewack, if you google for mafiu I am now number 1!

5-Jan-2004 Permanent Link


It's all about me...

I'm a 55 year old married father who works with websites for a living. Doing that for work means I dont often update this site, unless I can think of something useful to say. I mostly like taking photos - and most of my internet presence now will be related to that.

Something else?

Dont you find it ironic that people invest so much in bringing you to a website only to give you a list of links to take you elsewhere? So I'm not going to give you a list of my favourite haunts to send you away from this site.

(c) somewhere in space and time: M.Norman